The history of olympic medals — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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The history of olympic medals

The history of olympic medals

The history of olympic medals infographic

Grace Lee is a Junior at Parsons, the New School for Design in New York City.  She went back and visually laid out all of the medals won be every country in every Olympics since Athens in 1896.  Across the bottom it also shows how many nations participated each year and how many athletes were involved.  This was a project in her Information Design class, and she did a fabulous job!

The games have always brought of this world together in peace, leaving behind any racial or cultural boundaries. The Olympic games create a time when the world can be smaller and united as a human race, rather than separate nations. With the summer games in Beijing, China, and the upcoming games in Vancouver, Canada, the Olympic games will continue to be a time of friendly competition.

The history of olympic medals infographic Close-Up

Thanks Grace.  I love how this project turned out.

By popular request I have uploaded the full PDF version here.

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