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April Fools 2011 On The Web infographic

The teams at KillerInfographics and ZippyCart stayed up late last night (past midnight) to get the April Fools 2011: Pranks Around The Web infographic published today with the current online pranks.  Amazing job to get this design up the same day!

Believe it or not, April Fools 2011 is finally here and pranksters around the world have already been playing practical jokes on their friends and co-workers. Over the past decade, April Fools has started to become a bigger deal online, with businesses like Google, YouTube, and ThinkGeek becoming go-to sites for those looking for the coolest pranks online. Because so many are tirelessly surfing the net for the best pranks, we decided to publish the infographic below so you can quickly get your April Fools 2011 fix. 

Over the last few days we have been working on an infographic entitled, April Fools 2011: Pranks Around The Web. We stayed up late so we could get first peek at 2011 pranks online this morning, which allowed us to quickly add them to our infographic. Needless to say were a bit tired, but very happy with the infographic we created.

Thanks Nick for sending in the link!