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16 SEO Myths You Should Ignore Completely

SEO or Search Engine Optimization can be a tricky subject. The 16 SEO Myths You Should Ignore Completely infographic from My Biz Niche gives some clarity to some popular misconceptions.

From the very beginning, the world of SEO has been rife with myths that have somehow managed to pass themselves off as facts and fool a whole generation of webmasters and even SEO practitioners. After proving itself indispensable in increasing traffic and achieving prime rankings in the SERPs, SEO should be free of these myths by now. But several Google algorithm updates have passed, and these myths still stand and continue to mess with the heads of webmasters and SEO practitioners alike.

This is a very text-heavy topic and design. There's no data to visualize, but the descriptions are short, and easy to understand. If readers want more information, that's available on the website.

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