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Timeline of Reddit

Vizion Online created a Timeline of Reddit to give a better understanding of the platform.

Most of us have come across Reddit at some point but what do we really know about this hugely popular social networking platform?

It was conceived in America in 2005 as a news forum where it became popular with prominently a younger well educated profile, sharing topics, links and images, allowing users and communities to comment on each post.

Reddit has grown to be a prevalent news forum where members vote on content giving them ratings. Although Reddit is considered a social media platform it is a unique network centred around communities and subgroups known as subreddits.

Throughout its history, there has been a number of high-profile stories including activist protest and political coverage.

We have created this infographic to give a better understanding of the platform using a timeline of key events throughout the history of Reddit.

Personally, I don’t like timelines designed this way. I prefer to see the events spaced out chronologically to match an actual timeline instead of each event equally spaced. If three events happen in the same year, I would list them in the same box. Only one box per year.

Found on Vizion Online