One Day Poem Pavilion — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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One Day Poem Pavilion

One Day Poem Pavilion


Sort of crossing the line between infographics and art. A very cool project called the One Day Poem, from Experimental Typography. The geodesic structure is aligned to the sun, and perforated in a very specific pattern to show different parts of the poem over the course of a day, and even a different poem at different times of the year.

The specific arrangements of the perforations reveal different poems according to the solar calendar: a theme of new-life during the summer solstice. During summer solstice, the poem will contain the theme of “new life”. During winter solstice, the poem will be on “reflection and the passing of time.”

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