Over 50 sites that offer free images, photos and vector graphics that are searchable and downloadable for use in your designs. They are covered under different license models, usually Creative Commons or Public Domain. You need to check the details because each site is different!
Wikimedia Commons is a media file repository making available public domain and freely-licensed educational media content (images, sound and video clips) to everyone, in their own language. It acts as a common repository for the various projects of the Wikimedia Foundation, but you do not need to belong to one of those projects to use media hosted here.
Unlike traditional media repositories, Wikimedia Commons is free. Everyone is allowed to copy, use and modify any files here freely as long as they follow the terms specified by the author; this often means crediting the source and author(s) appropriately and releasing copies/improvements under the same freedom to others. The license conditions of each individual media file can be found on their description page.
Search for free content in the public domain and under Creative Commons licenses. Openverse is a tool that allows openly licensed and public domain works to be discovered and used by everyone. Creative Commons, the nonprofit behind Openverse, is the maker of the CC licenses, used over 1.4 billion times to help creators share knowledge and creativity online.
CC Search searches across more than 300 million images from open APIs and the Common Crawl dataset. It goes beyond simple search to aggregate results across multiple public repositories into a single catalog, and facilitates reuse through features like machine-generated tags and one-click attribution.
Burst is a free stock photo platform that is powered by Shopify. You’re welcome to edit, crop or otherwise modify these images however you see fit. The goal of our library is to help as many people as possible, so all of our pictures are royalty-free, with no attribution required. That means you can use them in your school projects, client work, print ads, menus, on websites and beyond. Since they’re free for commercial use, you can even sell t-shirts or mugs you designed using Burst images! The sky’s the limit.
Free original images to use as you want. All photos here on Cupcake are licensed under the Creative Commons license CC0, which means that you are free to use the images without any costs. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking for permission.
Every month 20 new free photos are delivered to your Inbox. Like clockwork.
Free travel photos for commercial use. All photos published on Fancycrave are licensed under the Creative Commons (CC2) license which grants you an irrevocable, nonexclusive copyright license to download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and use photos for free, including for commercial purposes, without permission from or attributing the photographer or Fancycrave.
Food photographers from all around the world share their photos under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license to help accomplish the ultimate goal of Foodiesfeed, to make the online space related to food more beautiful and eliminate all the ugly sterile stock photos that people still keep using.
Free Food Photos provides a wide selection of high-resolution food photography suitable for use by today’s web and print designers. A comprehensive collection of simple and descriptive food subjects plus a range of delicious looking food backgrounds and hero images. All images available for download and provided with a standard creative commons attribution license (CC BY 3.0)
Find and download free stock photos - all free for personal and commercial use. The site has evolved into a massive community — there are over 2,500,000 registered users and around 400,000 photos online.
Free stock photos both for personal and commercial use under the CC0 license. A source of photos that are fresh, up-to-date and versatile in style, so that they are fit for everybody’s everyday use as well as for more complex and specified projects.
The world's quirkiest collection of free high-resolution pictures, comprised of the world's best, most creative images - photos you just won't find anywhere else. All completely free of copyright restrictions.
Highly curated collections of stock images and videos that you can use both personally and commercially under the CC0 license.
As Jay says: “free pics. do anything (CC0). make magic.”
Jeshoots is a photobank where you can download original, high-resolution, thematic photos and mockups by Jan Vasek for free. Photos are for 100% free and is guaranteed that there are no 3rd parties which could have some licenses.
Free high-quality images from Karolina Grabowska, constantly growing image database, a powerful search-engine. Filled with features that only not help you find every photo you need, basing on keywords, but also give you the possibility to choose the photograph's leading color motif. At Kaboompics you will find a feature that displays the palette of colors present in every photo.
Free high-resolution photos, no copyrights restrictions for personal and commercial use. New photographs added weekly! All images are donated to the public domain.
Moment (MMT) provides free CC0 photography from Jeffrey Betts for personal and commercial use on websites, projects, themes, apps, and more. The content spans many categories, including nature, city scenes, workspaces, and macro photography. These photos can be freely downloaded, used, and redistributed for both personal and commercial purposes.
Morguefile is a free photo archive “for creatives, by creatives.” A community-based free photo site, and all photos found in the Morguefile archive are free for you to download and re-use in your work, be it commercial or not. The photos have been contributed by a wide range of creatives from around the world, ranging from amateur photo hobbyists to professionals.
Beautiful, high-resolution, free stock photos. For personal or commercial use, all of our CC0 licensed images are completely free to use! Each of the high-quality photographs you find here has been taken by a photographer from the NegativeSpace community.
Recapturing History with a hint of cool. Vintage photo collection from the public archive via Flickr. Optimized, cropped, and edited for quick use. Free of known copyright restrictions.
Pexels provides high quality and completely free stock photos licensed under the Pexels license (free for personal and commercial purposes, attribution is not required, but appreciated, and you can modify the photos.). All photos are nicely tagged, searchable and also easy to discover through the discover pages.
Free stock photo site created by young designer and photographer Viktor Hanacek in 2013. Be respectful to registered trademarks, brands, objects or properties captured on the photos.
You can use any of the Picography free stock photos however and wherever you like, with no attribution required. All photos are CC0 licensed.
Pixabay is a vibrant community of creatives, sharing copyright free images and videos. All contents are released under the Pixabay License, which makes them safe to use without asking for permission or giving credit to the artist - even for commercial purposes.
Free stock photos for all your creative needs. Pikwizard images are released under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license are free for personal and even commercial usage.
Plixs is an online photo community with beautiful pictures that are licensed with a creative commons license – mostly with zero. That means, all images on this site can be used absolutely freely for personal and even for commercial designs, often without asking for attributions. To get more information for each image, you have to read the corresponding license on the right side.
Free creative resources. Safe to use free images, PSD mockups and vectors. Rawpixel license allows you to use free content for both personal and commercial projects. All images with recognizable people have signed model releases so you can feel safe using our content for both personal and commercial projects.
Royalty-free, high-quality, natural looking real life photos. Search the Free category to find available images.
Reshot aims to unify creators via a free exchange of the world’s best visual content. All photos published on Reshot are free to use, both for commercial and noncommercial purposes. Go crazy!
Images published from the site owners in the Netherlands, are available for download, they’re free to skitter around the world. All photos are public domain under the CC0 license.
Now you have the free photos to be more awesome out there. Free stock photos for commercial & personal use.
Make something awesome. Free photos for startups, bloggers, publishers, websites, designers, developers, creators, & everyone else.
Beautiful, high quality stock photos for just about any use you can think of - including commercial usage - for free. No tricks, no gimmicks, no fine print; just dazzling images for your creative projects. You can use StockSnap's tag-based category system to help you browse and locate the images that convey the right mood, feeling, sense, or content for your needs.
Where photographers, designers and students can share their photographs, graphics and vector files with each other for free. The sole purpose of Stockvault is to collect and archive high resolution photographs that photographers, designers and students can share and use for their personal and non-commercial design projects.
The Superfamous Images from Folkert Gorter are available under the conditions of a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. This means that you can use the work for your own purposes if credit is provided.
Sharing beautiful travel moments. All photos are listed under CC0. That means you can do whatever you want with them.
Make something awesome. Over 850,000 free (do-whatever-you-want) high-resolution photos brought to you by the world’s most generous community of photographers. Better than any royalty free or stock photos.
Discover & download free photos and vector art you can edit files before downloading them. Every vector is fully customizable. You can easily change sizes, colors, fonts and much more!
NASA content - images, audio, video, and computer files used in the rendition of 3-dimensional models, such as texture maps and polygon data in any format - generally are not copyrighted. You may use this material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages.
The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Photo Library includes approximately 80,000 images that help explain and interpret our changing environment. The collection includes thousands of weather and space images, hundreds of images of shores and coastal seas, and thousands of marine species images ranging from whales to the most minute plankton. Images in the NOAA Photo Library are in the public domain and cannot be copyrighted. There is no fee for downloading any images on the site. Educational use is encouraged as the primary goal of the NOAA Photo Library is to help all understand our oceans and atmosphere.
The National Archives Catalog is the online public portal to over 2 million electronic records currently in the Electronic Records Archives (ERA), which are not available elsewhere online. They also make almost 17,000 of its most interesting copyright-free images available on Flickr; photos produced by the federal government are frequently made available to the public for use in any context.
The USDA ARS Image Gallery is a complimentary source of high-quality digital photographs available from the Agricultural Research Service Office of Communications. Use keywords to search for more than 6,500 images in their collection. Photos in the Image Gallery are available free of charge and are copyright-free, public domain, images unless otherwise indicated. When using these photos, they ask that you credit the Agricultural Research Service.
The USFWS National Digital Library has over 25,000 images published in the public domain.
Choose “Open Access Artworks” when searching the collections. Enjoy more than 406,000 hi-res images of public-domain works from the collection that can be downloaded, shared, and remixed without restriction with CC0.
The New York Public Library has more than 180,000 of the items from their Digital Collections published in the public domain. The Library now makes it possible to download such items in the highest resolution available directly from the Digital Collections website. They also have an experimental, interactive visual tool to browse the collection. (select the “Search Only Public Domain Materials” option when searching.)
The U.S. Library of Congress features items from their digital collections that are free to use and reuse. The Library believes that this content is either in the public domain, has no known copyright, or has been cleared by the copyright owner for public use. You can search the entire collection of millions of items including books, newspapers, manuscripts, prints and photos, maps, musical scores, films, sound recordings and more.
The Digital Research Team at the British Library has released over a million images onto Flickr Commons for anyone to use, remix and repurpose. These images were taken from the pages of 17th, 18th and 19th century books digitised by Microsoft who then generously gifted the scanned images to us, allowing us to release them back into the Public Domain. All images on our Flickr Commons account are free to use and remix. See their blog post for more information.
A large collection of nearly 25,000 publicly available, copyright-free images that it has made available online. Search its collection of art and objects from around the world, with the Show Public Domain Images Only option selected.
The Rijks Museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, makes it possible to download high-quality files of its collection of over 650,000 works. Create a free Rijksstudio account to enable downloading. To get an image, browse the website, and when you see something you like, simply click the scissor icon to download it.
More than 51,000 open access digital images up to 4,000 pixels each are available free of charge for download and use. Users may download— free of charge and without seeking authorization from the Gallery— any image of a work in the Gallery’s collection that the Gallery believes is in the public domain and is free of other known restrictions.
Over 145,000 assets on the Getty Museum website are in the public domain, and available for download. On the Search page, make sure that you filter by “Open Content Images”.