37 People You Should Follow for Infographics on Twitter
[The Visual Guide to Twitter is from Applicant.com]
If you don't already follow me on Twitter, I'm rtkrum. I post links to all of the Cool Infographics posts, and hold a few side conversations with people there. I don't know how some people keep track of following thousands of people, but TweetDeck has become an indispensable tool for me. The main reason is that I can create groups among the people I follow and of course I keep an infographic group.
Instead of featuring an infographic today, I thought I would embrace the Twitter tradition of Follow Friday and share the list of people and companies I follow related to infographics. So here is my list of who to follow for infographics on Twitter (in alphabetical order):
I know I have to be missing some, so that's the selfish part of this request. Who else do you follow?