Don't Flush Your Credit Down the Drain (infographic) — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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Don't Flush Your Credit Down the Drain (infographic)

Don't Flush Your Credit Down the Drain (infographic)

Don't Flush Your Credit Down the Drain infographic

Don’t Flush Your Credit Down the Drain is a new graphic designed for  Using the metaphor of “flushing your credit down the drain” the graphic explains what happens when your credit score drops to different levels.

Ever tempted to just stop paying your credit card bills? I mean, what’s the worst that could really happen? We created our latest infographic to explain how your creditors might retaliate if you stop sending them money each month. (Hint: the pipes get rustier and the rats get uglier the further down you go.) Don’t let this happen to you! 


This image straddles the line between illustration and infographic.  The illustration doesn’t convey much data other than the farther down you go, the lower you credit score becomes.  The pipes get rustier and it’s much darker on the bottom.  These visual cues let you know that lower scores are just plain “bad”. 

I think the rats are a nice touch.

Thanks to Ashley for the link!

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