How Will You Manage? [video] — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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How Will You Manage? [video]

How Will You Manage? [video]

Loaded with labor statistics, How Will You Manage? is a new infographic video put together by XPLANE for Kronos Workforce Management.  Using a mix of statistics, illustrations and some infographics the video does a good job of looking at our changing workforce, and the challenges faced by both companies and employees.

Both teams conducted research for the video’s content, and XPLANE developed a forward-thinking storyline that exuded personality and brought the message to life. XPLANE also leveraged existing Kronos visual style and color palette to ensure brand consistency. Created with Apple’s Keynote software, the five-minute video uses simple visuals, text and music to depict the changing state of today’s workforces and what that means for employers. 

Xplane has posted a brief case study description of the process they went through with Kronos to develop the video under a very tight timeline to prepare for the Kronos User Conference.  I love that they made this with Apple Keynote!

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