SPAM: More than an Annoyance? — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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SPAM: More than an Annoyance?

SPAM: More than an Annoyance?

The SPAM: More than an Annoyance? infographic asks the question “Are there actual physical effects of email spam that impact the environment?”  From, I like the simple, focused message in this design.

We discovered that a certain amount of Spam emails is actually the equivalent to the level of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions released from driving 3 feet.  Discover how far the number of 2010 spam emails can take you across the world!  You’ll be shocked!  We also highlight the nations most responsible for the furthered adverse impact of Spam’s GHG emissions on our environment.  Our hope is that awareness may create change.  And a great start to doing your part is by personally installing a spam filter on you’re own email account, forwarding spam emails to, as well as informing others!

There are a handful of statistics in the infographic that fall into the lazy-designer “large font” style of visualization.  These could have easy been visualized to make the design better.  I do like the shaped clouds to indicate countries and breaking down the different actions related to spam, and relating them to the total carbon footprint.

Although I like the overall design, it is missing some key items.  Data sources?  URL?  WebpageFX’s logo?  License information?

Thanks to Trevin for sending in the link!

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