The Infographic Kitchen Cheat Sheet — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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The Infographic Kitchen Cheat Sheet

The Infographic Kitchen Cheat Sheet

They’re not kidding when they say cheat sheet! The infographic Kitchen Cheat Sheet from Everest covers anything from kitchen conversions, to how to store your food, to how to cook different parts of animals! I’d recommend posting this infographic on your fridge!

Whether you are new to cooking or an experienced chef, everyone can use a little help in the kitchen sometimes. That’s why we created a comprehensive kitchen cheat sheet for you to fall back on whenever you are in doubt. We find it useful and we hope you do too!

Love the retro design style!  Although I wish they had visualized more of the data, this comprehensive guide covers almost everything you can find on the inside covers of every cookbook!  

The bottom of the infographic should have included a copyright (or Creative Commons) and the URL to the original infographic landing page for readers to be able to find the high-resolution version.

Everest has also provided three, smaller cheat sheets to easily print and post in your kitchen.  These are PDFs sized to A4 paper for the UK, but print fine on Letter parper in the U.S.

Thanks to Shelli for sending in the link!

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