Live Events in Washington DC and Florida — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


FREE Sample Chapter

Live Events in Washington DC and Florida

Live Events in Washington DC and Florida

Live Events in Washington DC and Florida

If you’re located near Washington, DC or Fort Lauderdale, FL, I’ll be there next week!  I have a packed schedule of both public and private events, so check your schedule and join me if you can!  I’ll be presenting about data visualization and infographics, and signing books.  I look forward to meeting you!

Washington DC

Monday, Feb 10th, 3:00pm CBO (Congressional Budget Office) - private event and book signing

Tuesday, Feb 11th, 12:00pm, Noblis Tech Tuesday - private event and book signing

Tuesday, Feb 11th, 6:30pm, Data Visualization DC Meetup group - PUBLIC presentation, book signing and data drinks!

Register here:

Wednesday, Feb 12th, Greater Washington Board of Trade Morning Star Speaker Series - PUBLIC event

* Discount for Cool Infographics readers - use the code “Cool*Infographics” at checkout to get the member price even if you’re a non-member ($25 discount)!

** No book sales allowed in the Ronald Reagan Building, so you must purchase a book beforehand if you would like me to sign it at the event.  You will be offered the chance to buy a book during online registration.

Register here:

Miami, FL

Thursday, Feb 13th, 11:00am, University of Miami - Guest Lecturer in Alberto Cairo’s Visual Journalism Infographics class

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Thursday, Feb 13th, 6:30pm, sfim@ (South Florida Interactive Marketing Association) - PUBLIC event and networking

Register here:

You can always find my current list of upcoming events on the Appearances page!


on 2014-02-27 19:51 by Randy

The presentation slides from a few of the events are available on SlideShare:

The Best Temperatures for Cooking Fats & Oils

The Best Temperatures for Cooking Fats & Oils

The Beautiful Flow of Pi

The Beautiful Flow of Pi

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