Old vs. New Graphic Design — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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Old vs. New Graphic Design

Old vs. New Graphic Design

Old vs. New Graphic Design infographic

The New Media Company has created the infographic The Ultimate Battle: Old vs New Graphic Design to explore 8 different aspects of graphic design and compare how the methods have changed through the years.

Are you an old school or a newbie designer? 

If you have ever worked in a Design Studio you will have experienced the constant conflict between “Old” and “New” Design...

You know the ones: "Quark is better than InDesign", "We didn't have the internet in my day." Here we take a look back at some of the tools that older designers used to use and compare them to todays modern technologies.

Fun variation on the side-by-side comparison infographic style.

Thanks to Danielle for sending in the link!

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