I Need Your Votes for SxSW 2016 — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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I Need Your Votes for SxSW 2016

I Need Your Votes for SxSW 2016

7 Deadly Sins of Infographics Design and How to Fix Them

SXSW 2016 Interactive PanelPicker voting is now open, and I need your votes! My talk proposal entitled "7 Deadly Sins of Infographics Design and How to Fix Them" will explore examples of the top seven mistakes designers often make, and more importantly, offer design tips to overcome these common design blunders. Follow the steps below to vote:

Step 1: Go to PanelPicker to view

my proposal


Step 2: Log in or create an account.

Step 3: Give my proposal the thumbs up to vote!

Step 4: Post a comment (SXSW loves this).

Step 5: Share with your friends on social media.

I've only given this talk once before at the Malofiej Infographics World Summit in Spain, and I'm scheduled to present it at the Big Design Dallas conference in September. (Come join me if you're in the Dallas area!)

Community voting is a large part of the PanelPicker process, so I'm reaching out to you for your support. Please vote before September 4th!

For more information on my talk, please visit Slideshare for a preview.

Thanks for your help!

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