Abita Beer Release Calendar 2018 — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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Abita Beer Release Calendar 2018

Abita Beer Release Calendar 2018

In case you're not familiar with Abita Beers, it's a fantastic brewery out of Louisiana. In addition to a core set of beers, they make a number of seasonal brews that are only available certain times of the year. This visual Beer Release Calendar is your visual guide to when you favorite brews are in season!

The new year is here and we're looking forward to another great year of brews! We've been hard at work behind the scenes planning for 2018 and wanted to share some of what we've been working on. Our 2018 Beer Release Calendar is everything we'll be releasing and boiled down to one single sheet. It's our brew bible! Of course, most of your favorites are back, but as you'll see we're bringing some beers you might recognize out of retirement and releasing a ton of new beers. In all, we'll brew and package 31 beers in 2018 and that's not counting the tons of beers we'll be experimenting with and releasing on our pilot system here at the brewery.

I really like this design. The colors come from the individual beer labels, and I appreciate the additional visualization of the available sizes. I appreciate the repeated guide to the monthly column at the bottom. The cursive font, rotated 90° is hard to read.

The gradient bars are a nice touch since those brews don't have a hard end date, they're only available until supply runs out. It looks like the designer accidentally left a few of those as gradient to white instead of gradient to the background tan color.

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