Know Your Risk During COVID-19 — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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Know Your Risk During COVID-19

Know Your Risk During COVID-19

The Know Your Risk During COVID-19 infographic from the Texas Medical Association is one of many new infographics helping people understand their level of risk when leaving home during the pandemic. They published the low resolution image on social media, but you can also download the high resolution PDF.

Be informed. Know your risk. Stay safe.

Ranked by physician experts from the TMA COVID-19 Task Force and the TMA Committee on Infectious Diseases.

It’s a good design; however, they really struggled with how to publish and promote their infographic. They published the infographic on social media (Facebook and Twitter), but didn’t post it on their website. So there was no place for people to link to, find the original or download a high resolution version. They ended up posting links in the comments to the PDF on their website for people that were asking. Very sloppy.

I have an entire chapter about this in the Cool Infographics book, and I teach this as part of the data visualization and infographics courses I teach at SMU. How you publish and promote your infographic is just as important as your design!

Thanks to Erica for sharing!

UPDATE: Now available in Spanish: INFORMESE: Conozca Su Riesgo Durante el COVID-19 (downloadable PDF)

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