Leftover Turkey Flowchart — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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Leftover Turkey Flowchart

Leftover Turkey Flowchart

The 2022 Thanksgiving is behind us! If you are like most Americans, you ate turkey on the big day… And possibly for multiple days after the fact. Nathan Yau with FlowingData used a Sankey Diagram to explain the different ways that his leftover turkey has been consumed without having to eat the same exact meal each time.

I roasted a turkey for Thanksgiving. It tasted good. The problem is that there were not many people to eat it, and it was a big bird. But my mom taught me to never waste food. So, this is how the leftovers get used, without having to eat the same thing for a week.

Found on FlowingData

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