The Problem with Plastics — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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The Problem with Plastics

The Problem with Plastics

This infographic shares the depressing small amount of plastic that gets recycled. Information is Beautiful created The Problem with Plastics infographic by visualizing data by Geyer et al, Science Advances, back in 2017. The infographic uses a Sankey Diagram to show the fate of all plastics that were ever made.

Why plastic recycling doesn’t work 🙁

“Most ‘recycled’ plastic still ends up being dumped or incinerated”

n.b. These numbers are from 2017. Humanity produces approx. 345 million tonnes of plastic a year. That means another ~1.7 billion tonnes since this study was released.

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