The Infographic Pumpkin, one last Halloween infographic — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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The Infographic Pumpkin, one last Halloween infographic

The Infographic Pumpkin, one last Halloween infographic

The infographic Pumpkin

One final Halloween infographic this year is the Infographic Pumpkin from  

Whats better than a pumpkin carving? A pumpkin carved with Lasers, that’s what. Having carved pumpkins most of my life, and getting heavily into it in 2008 with my Obama pumpkins. I decided to combine my love of information and pumpkin carving to create the first infographic pumpkin. Long story short, doing it with stencils and by hand was a good waste of three 40lb pumpkins, a dozen hours and a few exacto knife war wounds. As luck would have it though, the very day i was about to throw in the towel I stumbled upon a Microsoft employee who carves pumpkins with lasers. Being that lasers are just about the most awesome thing in the world, i couldn’t pass up seeing if something could be arranged.

11 days, a few setbacks and a trip to the Microsoft campus to deliver a pumpkin and the fruit(that’s right, pumpkin is a fruit) of our labor was complete:

(click to enlarge)

What a fun project.  Great job Justin!

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