Sinking of the RMS Titanic vs. Costa Concordia — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

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Sinking of the RMS Titanic vs. Costa Concordia

Sinking of the RMS Titanic vs. Costa Concordia

RMS Titanic vs. Costa Concordia (Veja comparação entre o naufrágio do Costa Concordia e do Titanic infographic) from Ultimo Segundo in Brazil compares the crash of the Costa Concordia (Blue) to the Titanic (Red).

Alguns dos sobreviventes do acidente do Costa Concordia compararam o naufrágio do navio italiano, que tombou após bater em uma rocha na costa da Ilha de Giglio em 13 de janeiro, com o do Titanic. “Concebido para ser inafundável”, segundo a operadora White Star Line, o RMS Titanic naufragou em 15 de abril de 1912 após ter-se chocado com um iceberg no Oceano Atlântico duas horas e quarenta minutos antes, na noite do dia 14.

ENGLISH Translation: Some of thesurvivors of the crashof theCostaConcordiacompared thesinking of theItalian ship, whichsankafter hittinga rockon the coastof the island of Giglioon 13January, withthe Titanic.”Designedto be unsinkable,”according to the operatorWhiteStar Line, RMSTitanicsank onApril 15, 1912after itcollided with an icebergin the Atlantic Oceantwo hoursand fortyminutes beforethe night of the 14th.

What a great design!  The best thing about this design is that it’s in Portuguese, but the visuals still make it understandable to anyone that doesn’t know the language!  I understand the comparison between ship sizes, the dates of service on the timeline, the passenger capacities and the number of people aboard during the final accidents.

Thanks to Guilherme for sending in the link!

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