How to Find A Missing Child Using Social Media — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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How to Find A Missing Child Using Social Media

How to Find A Missing Child Using Social Media

How to Find A Missing Child Using Social Media infographic

Find Your Missing Child is a new infographic design by the team at for

Find Your Missing Child (FYMC) was founded after social media and email helped successfully find one missing child.  FYMC’s goal is to educate families about the community-building powers of social media and email to help in the search for a missing child.

The design does a good job of walking the reader through the statistics and benefits of engaging with social media as a tool in the search for a missing child.  The path provides a clear sequence of information for the readers to follow.

Some of the statistics are impressive, and would make a bigger impression on the reader if they had been visualized.  Big numbers are not data visualizations, and many designs make the mistake that using a big font makes the numbers more impressive.  An infographic should put those values into context for the reader by visualizing them.

In the footer, the URL to the infographic landing page is missing and would be helpful to readers that want to find the original full-size infographic.

Thanks to Jarred for sending in the link!

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