The History of Doctor Who Companions — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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The History of Doctor Who Companions

The History of Doctor Who Companions

The History of Doctor Who Companions infographic from gives us a guide to all the companions that Doctor Who has travelled with and a sneak peak on the newest one.  Along with the names and photos come statistics of gender, species, and who is the worst and the best companions.

It’s goodbye Amy Pond after Karen Gillan left in a tear-jerking mid-season finale, The Angels Take Manhattan. You can read our review here.

But how will Amy be remembered in the pantheon of best and worst Doctor Who companions? Did she hit the lofty heights of a Rose Tyler or a Leela? Or sink to the lowly lows of Ace and - Time Lords preserve us - Bonnie Langford as Mel Bush?

Take a look at the amazing infographic below and make up your own minds while learning all there is to know about the Doctor’s Tardis co-travelers…

I’m generally opposed to using photos in an infographic design because their full-color nature add a lot of visual complexity to a design.  In this case, photos work better than illustrations by making the different characters easily recognizable.

Thanks to Chris for sending in the link!

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