How Well Do You Know Your Shit? — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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How Well Do You Know Your Shit?

How Well Do You Know Your Shit?

Poop is not a pleasant thing to talk about. And studying it in your toilet after you excrete it is probably not part of your normal routine. However, the How Well Do You Know Your Shit? infographic from Health Works enlightens us about what our poop can tell us about our health.

With its less than enticing scent, and unattractive physique, nobody wants to give their poop a second glance. The general rule when it comes to poop is – you do the deed quickly, and flush immediately.

While it’s no bed of roses, the next time you’re in the toilet doing the Number 2, take a look at your work of art before you flush. The brown blob in the toilet bowl can divulge little secrets about your health condition, since it’s the product of the waste from your body.

You might curse us for coming up with this cute little infographic, but you really should know your sh*t better. Enjoy:

This is a really good informational infographic about a topic no one likes to talk about. A perfect topic choice from a health information site.

Thanks to Wen for sending in the link!

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