Top 100 DJ's of 2013 — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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Top 100 DJ's of 2013

Top 100 DJ's of 2013

Top 100 DJ's of 2013 infographic

Top 100 DJ’s of 2013, by Data, created by by Topple Track, takes a different approach to coming up with a top 100 DJ list. Instead of the traditional voting method, they took a more data driven approach.

We partnered with our friends over at to compile a list of ’100 DJ’s’ that is driven by data. (Data that is available to anyone who obtains an API key to the applicable social platform).

Our goal with list was to create an alternative view to the existing lists. This doesn’t mean there isn’t value in a traditional voting poll or we’re questioning it’s validity, this is our attempt at taking data, consumption weighted, algorithmic approach.

The biggest names in EDM command big money, for promoters it’s a numbers game. For many, social data is a huge barometer for who to book and who not to book.

Our methodology is made up of the following weighting (as mentioned in the infographic):

60% Total Fans30% 2013 Fan Growth10% Buzz & Piracy

The data started on January 1, 2013 and ran through nearly all of 2013. It’s clear we have room from improvements, such as spotting the ‘next big thing’ through trends (a la Martin Garrix’s absence from the current poll) and tweaking weighting of certain platforms as usage permits.

*Editors Note – We did exclude 3 DJ’s that we deemed at least 75% or more of their social following was purchased.

Clean, colorful design that does a good job of changing the visualization method each time you move down from one section to the next. Pie-Doughnut to Doughnut to Line to bar chart to list.

Thanks to Brandon for sending in the link!

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