Extremely Detailed 2016 Election Map
The New York Times has published An Extremely Detailed Map of the 2016 Election, and it's fascinating to explore!
Their full article, Political Bubbles and Hidden Diversity: Highlights From a Very Detailed Map of the 2016 Election, examines some of the more interesting patterns, insights and inconsistencies.
The election results most readers are familiar with are county maps like the ones we produce at The Times on election night. But votes are cast at a much finer unit of geography — in precincts, which may contain thousands of voters but in some cases contain only a handful. Our previous election maps contained results for about 3,100 counties; here we show results for more than 168,000 voting precincts.
The interactivity is really well done, made possible through the integration with MapBox, and you can zoom in to view the data down to the smallest voting precincts. Pop-up information will tell you the exact number of votes at the precinct level.
Here's an animated journey (accelerated) around the country to 14 major cities: