Animated DataViz: Top 15 Best Global Brands Ranking (2000-2018) — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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Animated DataViz: Top 15 Best Global Brands Ranking (2000-2018)

Animated DataViz: Top 15 Best Global Brands Ranking (2000-2018)

The Top 15 Best Global Brands Ranking (2000-2018) is an animated data visualization video from TheRankings on YouTube.

Some animated data visualizations are just eye candy, and the better ones use animation to improve understanding or add context to the data. This is a good one where the animation over time helps the audience see the dramatic growth in brand value and how some of today’s top brands skyrocketed to the top of the list only in the last few years. All of the data is pulled from Interbrand.

The music in the video is distracting though, and completely unnecessary. I would just mute it.

I like the logos along the y-axis. The data values would be easier to read with a comma separator for thousands.

You find this shared in social media also as an animated GIF file.

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