A Great Chart: How Much Hotter This June Has Been — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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A Great Chart: How Much Hotter This June Has Been

A Great Chart: How Much Hotter This June Has Been

I really like this chart! It hits all of the data visualization design best practices for me. This was published by the NYTimes in the article: Here’s How Much Hotter Than Normal This June Has Been

Here’s what I like:

  • It’s time series data, so it’s visualized as a line chart

  • Year-over-year data is easy to compare as overlapping lines for the same Jan-Dec time period

  • No chart legend! The lines are labeled directly within your field of view in the chart

  • Using the pre attentive attribute of color, 2023 is highlighted in orange and the rest are gray lines

  • The chosen orange color isn’t red or green so there isn’t any implication of good or bad

  • The 2022 line is a darker shade of gray, so it’s also distinguishable, but not the focus

  • The x-axis labels are only every other month to minimize the text on the page

  • The is one example of when a non-zero baseline is appropriate so you can see the details

NOTE: This NYTimes article is behind their paywall, so you may not be able to see the original article without a subscription. I have a limited amount of “gift articles” I can share. You can CLICK THIS LINK if you don’t have a subscription and want to see the full article. It will let you see the article until I run out of shares!

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