Welcome to Cool Infographics 3.0! — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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Welcome to Cool Infographics 3.0!

Welcome to Cool Infographics 3.0!

Cool Infographics 3.0 Website Redesign

I’m very excited to announce to launch of the Cool Infographics redesign 3.0! For 12 years Cool Infographics has been one of the most popular websites celebrating good infographics and data visualization designs and provides a resource for fans, students, and professionals of infographics and DataViz.

It took 3 months to migrate the all of the content (1,700 pages) from the prior platform to this new design, and we’re still working on making sure all of the resources are properly loaded. I originally launched Cool Infographics in 2007 on the Google’s Blogger platform, and after purchasing the coolinfographics.com URL I launched the first redesign as Cool Infographics 2.0 on the Squarespace 5 platform in 2010. Squarespace then completely rebuilt and relaunched their platform to provide modern web design capabilities, mobile responsiveness, SSL certificates, and much more that make this new design very exciting.

I invite you to check out our new site and let us know what you think on the Contact page.

Cool Infographics grid layout design 3.0 launched in 2019

The Grid 

Right away you'll see the new grid format for the home page. We chose this so users can quickly see multiple infographics without much scrolling, and easily click to discover more information and commentary. 


Our search functionality is much more user friendly and is now always conveniently available at the top right corner of the page no matter where you find yourself on our site. Search by keywords, tag, topic or date.


The main feature of Cool Infographics has always been the infographics, so the navigation on the new design is hidden out of the way in the pop-up hamburger menu in the top left corner. This keeps it out of the way until you need it!

Design Tools

A top destination within the Cool Infographics ecosystem has always been our Design Tools section. We have reorganized this resource by tool type, and we're still loading all of the links for the 200+ tools from our list. This page will be expanding into new categories in the future.

Infographic Posters

The Infographic Posters page is another very popular resource on Cool Infographics, and the new design is a beautiful thumbnail gallery organized by publisher. I've known some of the these infographic poster designers/publishers for years, and we've got over 75 poster links loaded on the page with more to come.

Jobs Board

The Cool Infographics Jobs Board is FREE for anyone to submit an open position for infographics designers or data visualization designers/developers/specialists to be included on the page. This is a great resource for any designers looking for a new role, so check back often!

Mobile Friendly

Our new format lends itself nicely to a mobile experience whether on your phone or tablet. 

More to come...

There's much more to come in 2019 and beyond, so stay tuned for more features and announcements!

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