Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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What's Inside the White House?

What's Inside the White House?

Visual explanations are a big part of data visualizations, and this video exploration of What’s Inside the White House? by animator Jared Owen gives viewers a great perspective of where the major rooms are located in context with the rest of the building. I would bet that most people don’t know that the Oval Office isn’t in the main, center building.

The White House is full of lots of interesting rooms. A lot of people don't realize that this information is public! Please join me as we take a walk through the different rooms and what they are used for.

Found on Core77

Official Timeline of Star Trek

Official Timeline of Star Trek

The Chart Guide v4.0 - Interview & Giveaway

The Chart Guide v4.0 - Interview & Giveaway