The Charted Sandwich Board — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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The Charted Sandwich Board

The Charted Sandwich Board

The Charted Sandwich Board is a new infographic poster print just released from the team at Pop Chart in New York City! You can order now, and the prints will begin shipping on March 6, 2019.

Now serving: A savory chart of sandwiches, featuring an internationally inspired menu of over 50 heroes, gyros, and more! From the basic BLT to the waistband-threatening food-pocalypse that is the Gatsby, this delectable, deconstructed diagram makes for delightful decor no matter how you slice it. Order up!

Each sandwich is visually built with an illustration and a numbered indicator for each ingredient referenced in the Ingredients legend.

You can can find this one and over 100 more infographic posters on the redesigned Infographics Posters page!

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